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I'm baaaaack!

It's been way too long since I've written here semi-regularly. Anyone who read any of my previous entries may remember that I lamented talking to myself in this vacuum. I never got any inkling of it being otherwise. Two or three people I knew from some distant past wrote to, so they evidently got my writer's email address from here. Otherwise, I got a few emails from people wanting to sell me shit, like services for promoting or editing, etc. But hey, folks, I'm the one wanting to sell YOU shit: namely, my books.

Speaking of which, I have just published the third in a series that may or may not go beyond the third. More on that soon. STILL WATERS followed THE 4TH MANIFESTATION which followed BLOOD SACRAMENT. On Amazon in the Kindle offerings, these are books 1 - 3 in the MCCONNELL CRIME SAGA. The only character all three have in common is Chelsea McConnell, first at age 4, then at 14, and finally (so far) at age 24+. I didn't plan it that way at the start. In fact, I didn't plan a series at first. Somehow, however, I found that this female character wouldn't let me finish the story. Hence, the story becoming a saga.

I found that I couldn't write this third one in the same style as the previous two. I tried, but the story wouldn't allow it. So it became more of a "rural mystery noir" written primarily in the present tense. I hope someone's reading this blog, and I hope that particular someone reads and enjoys The McConnell Crime Saga books, and passes the word on to other someones. The real way a book grows in popularity is initially by word of mouth.

Stay tuned. . .More to follow!

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