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Welcome if you've been sent here...

I've recently started some attempts at real marketing. I started with Google Adwords. A few days later I put up a Facebook ad. I had to make a choice on that one, either to send the ad directly to Kindle readers on whatever device they're doing their Kindle reading or directly to normal Facebook pages. I chose the latter. When they click on my ad, they're directed to this website ( So far, on my ad tracking page, I see that in 3 days, 12 people have clicked. So if any of you got curious after the home page and clicked the Blog button, here you are, and welcome! Don't be shy, and feel free to drop a line in the Contact page. Let me know what you like, what you don't like, or anything else. At this point, it's fine with me if you don't buy my books; I still welcome your visit and am open to anything you have to say.

Though I have a topic for a blog post, I'll save it for tomorrow. I think I've just worked out a fix to a scene problem in my current book, so I'd better get to it while it's still fresh on my mind!

Till then!

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